Thursday, January 24, 2013

An Excursion

As many of you know my wife is a photographer…not like me who just likes to take pictures with my little point and shoot to share things on my blog, she is a professional who actually works with a magazine here in town.  I don’t often go with her on her outings to take pictures but this time I was invited and took her up on it.  I had been taking pictures of an occasional sunset or twoDSC02250.  It’s actually been warmer however it feels really chill especially when the wind comes up but there are times when it’s more than worth it to capture God’s evening pictureDSC02251.  Getting an invite to go and take some pictures indoors was kind of nice and I just can’t beat the company of my wife.  We used my i-touch to navigate to the little truck stop where we Lovely was to take pictures.  It was chilly but not as bad as it could be…I think I’m spoiled from a mostly easy winter…it still feels cold to meDSC02252.  The truck stop is near a little town called Laurel.  This is a farming community and you’re never far from the classic things from Montana history…even at gas stations or truck stopsDSC02253.  I really do love this stateDSC02254.  The truck stop has a little restaurant and a store with various items that I found really interesting.  Check out these hand bags:  DSC02255.  This place also had some custom made boots that were unlike any I’ve ever seenDSC02258.  There were belts that were really decked outDSC02259.  Some of the items were food or coffee relatedDSC02260.  The classic combo of course was the bootsDSC02261and the hatsDSC02262.  I am sure some of these things tasted greatDSC02263.  I’m a big spice lover and I certainly like coffee so this was a blast for meDSC02264.  Some of this stuff just was about as stereo typical I suppose but I still like itDSC02268.  The boots were on sale.  Buy a pair get a cheaper pair freeDSC02271.  I thought it was kind of a good idea to have the classic items mixed with more contemporary fashionDSC02272.  How about you?  Would you try a pair of theseDSC02273?  I have to admit I’m a Montanan but I’ve not had a pair of boots since I was a little kid…not sure I’d ever buy something like this but Lovely thought they were amazingDSC02274.  We finished the photo shoot…the owner and workers there were really nice but it was time to head out to get something to eat at our favorite restaurantDSC02276.  We like to try something new each time we go and this time was no exceptionDSC02277.  Finally we made it home in time for another sunsetDSC02278.  The snow is mostly melted once again but the chill breeze still keeps it coldDSC02279.  I am very glad for our outing…everyone needs that once in a while!  Now I’m back behind my familiar viewDSC02280but I’m equipped with some new memories…it’s nice!  Have a great day!


  1. Wonderful photos Joe!! The sunsets are spectacular!

    1. The sunsets really have been very nice...not really sure's unusually warm for this time of year for us...who knows? I hope it will keep it up!

  2. Replies
    1. They were unique, my wife hasn't gone back for them but it may be just a matter of time!

  3. So many little shops like that in the west. Find stuff in them that can't found in other stores. Used to travel to El Paso, TX, home of plethora of bot makers. Would get some pretty good prices on boots. Then in Texas it is not unusual to see a banker in his grey flannel suit wearing a pair of cowboy boots.

    Excursions, I love them, go seek out adventures. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I know you've taken your share of trips to see what's out there and I really like that too John. It reminds me of an article I saw a long time ago in The National Geographic. Just meandering down the road seeing what there is to see can be a really wonderful thing to experience.

  4. The photographer with mostly your wife and I really thinking for you aren't you lucky men!
    The sunsets are fantastic with gorgeous your dear wife.
    The boots a pretty looking of Carmboy boots one I only remember with for long time at your country.
    More became fashion look nice to eat at restaurant..
    We having a crazy HOT summer time 31c too hot to some people at the beach but not me because I can't swimming ha ha
    Have a wonderful time!

  5. Hey my friend, I agree, I'm blessed to have a very talented and beautiful wife! We miss Japan where we took so many of our favorite places ever! I guess you do have your share of cowboys in Australia! I can imagine it being hot for you all there...we won't be seeing that for some months here. Take care, blessings to you Michiko!

  6. Joe, Enjoyed your post and your pictures as always. The sunsets are awesome and I enjoyed looking at the bags and boots, not sure I would wear the boots, but they are cool.

    Pleased you enjoyed your outing, you are right everyone needs something to lift their spirits.

    Have a blessed Son/Sunday - Nita

    1. The sunsets really have been nice but Monday the cold comes back in a pretty big way. I'm not really a boot person either however they were fun to look at. Have a blessed day as well my friend.

  7. Great pics!! I love the sunset pic. Your pictures paint beautiful stories my friend.

    1. I long for the warmer weather to come along and encourage me to get out more I have to admit. For now the sunsets draw me to them as much as anything.

  8. Equipped with new memories - that's a great way to express what happens when we venture out, especially with our cameras. Your wife must get to see some very interesting things.

    1. She certainly does at times. Today she was photographing a project for the homeless...she said it wasn't an easy thing for her. I am amazed at the variety there is in life...not everything is easy to see yet all of it has value.

  9. Any sunset is pretty but those really stand out. I love the West, but never got to see Montana on our trip.

    1. You may have guessed I'm a big Montana fan, I was not born here but I certainly have been raised here and I wish I could share it with everyone! I am truly looking forward to things perking up when it hits spring but I've got a long wait ahead of me I think.
