Thursday, February 5, 2015

Another Meltdown

Yep, winter served up another helpingDSC03720but now the melting has begun.  Helping along this warm up is the winter Bat signalDSC03721.  It’s still morning but the constant drip of melting snow is already happeningDSC03722.  The grass is clawing its way out of the snow againDSC03723.  Rocks have begun to show themselves and are now eye balling anyone outsideDSC03724.  We own no cat but neighborhood felines passing is marked in melting snowDSC03725.  This melt off is sponsored by winter/spring Betty Crocker who’s presenting a powdered snow sponge cakeDSC03726.  The sun is about to break from its naked branched cageDSC03727.  There’s hope in this meltdown and I like it!


  1. Melting snow is good but I believe there's more to replace. Interesting photos. Love the sun in trees.

    1. It could be Toodie but I'm hoping our below zero temperatures are less likely now. The sun paints a hopeful picture to me somehow.

  2. Very beautiful....magical, Joe, thanks so much for sharing.

  3. I really like the snow this winter. But the meltdown has the promise of spring and everything waking up again - I love that, too :) Wonderful writing with the great pictures that you took :) Have an amazing weekend!

    1. I always love spring's promise too. There's something about it like a surprise package just waiting to be unwrapped! Have a great weekend as well!

  4. Love the photos, Joe! I love the cat prints in the snow :)

    1. Thanks kinda creeped me that cat a stalker?

  5. You always do super photos Joe and your descriptions are many times poetry.

  6. Dear Joe! I love your photos all the times but theses day was are not same as with mind...I just thinking of some times more people be back to all the times?
    I was very good golfing be back to now...but a very hot weather 36" todays..I will be back to few days time.
    Have a good weekend!

  7. Things have changed and many people have moved on or even passed away. Blogging isn't nearly what it used to be but still I find myself hanging onto it. Our winter is your winter...strange isn't it? Glad you stopped by my friend.
