Thursday, September 6, 2012

Another Day

I wish I could say it were another dollar my way but it is not…at least not yet…and the day isn’t over!  It was overcast and much cooler today when I went out the old familiar gate to take some different pictures.  The pond has had some sounds of hidden life but I’ve yet to capture anything much on film as far as it’s concerned.  I love how things sound out by the pond…chirping of various insects, quacking of ducks…who won’t let me get anywhere near them, an occasional pheasant squawking…even the lowing of cows…I just love it.  The few things that are growing well in the drought are doing well indeed…just look at these thistles.  I expect they will be amazing when they fully blossom.  Sometimes I feel that I’m under austerity measures when it comes to photos with the dry weather but even in this there’s some interesting things.  Look at the symmetry on this thing !  I ran across some interesting combinations out there today…bland variety aside from the yellow but I like it none the less.  This is another combo I liked…it seems so fitting for fall.  The cows were giving me some questioning stares.  Yellow still is the most outstanding color out there so far…we’ll see if it keeps it’s reign or the purple of the thistles overtakes it.  I glanced back as I headed back to the house and marveled again at how dry it is.  At this point the cows lost all interest in me and headed home themselves.  Last shot of the day was this brilliant red bloom…at least something is still alive and colorful in the garden.


  1. crackling dry it is, even the weeds are brown.

    But the fall blooms are budding.

    1. You know exactly what I'm talking about John. I've thought of you a lot lately, I hope all is well with you.

  2. I enjoyed the music and the photos as always. I always wonder what an animal is thinking, even cows.

    1. Hey my friend I'm glad you stopped by. I know what you mean with animals...they sure were looking at me like they thought I was making a spectacle of myself!

  3. Isn't it amazing Joe that a weed like the thistle has such a beautiful bloom? Kind of restores one's faith.

    All of the photos are great! Thank you.

    1. It does actually do just that, I feel restored after just a few moments out there. I'm grateful for you visit dear friend...thank you too!

  4. The little things we disregard as weeds has it's beauty if we take the time to look beyond it's label, weed. It has been a very dry year. It seems mother nature wants to replenish with flooding. Hope the high temps has lowered there. It will be cooler here for the weekend. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Much cooler thank you Toodie. It's dry but at least we're not too hot now. There's beauty out there if we just look. Have a nice one too my dear friend.

  5. Lovely pictures Joe. I love how the yellow just pops out demanding attention. Yellow is my favorite color.

    1. That yellow is about as vivid as any color I've seen out's been the most outstanding for some time now in fact.

  6. It was overcast and much cooler today you love about the lowing at cows. About to photos with the dry weather but it was very good interesting things with symmetry on this thing.
    You has very dry and strange enough the cows.
    We having the rains weather for long time.
    Have are nice weekend.

    1. Seeing the big differences in weather globally it's easy to see what a big planet we live on! Storms here just don't seem able to drop any rain for the most part...not sure why. It makes me wonder if winter will be able to break through this. Have a great weekend as well my friend.

  7. Hi Joe,

    You do have the capacity to bring all things to new life in your pictures and words. I love the sounds by ponds too, shame the ducks will not pose for you, they let us get very near here, unlike rabbits who seem to sense you miles off if you have a camera.

    Have a good Son/Sunday - Nita

    1. Thank you very kindly Nita, I appreciate that. Life can seem so agitating that it's great to have a place to escape that a bit. My world on FB is a lot less comforting so this is a place of refuge much like the pond. Blessings to you dear friend...blessed Sunday to you too.

  8. Joe you find beauty where ever you go. The fence is a beauty as is the thistle. The yellow and purple sure jump off the page . Gorgeous.
    Its not dry here but I have been though what you have a few times.
    Its hard on every thing and every one. The cattle still have some thing to eat by looking at your photos.
    Thanks for sharing your view.Im grateful . Happy Autumn my friend. Praying for moisture to head your way . . maybe it will be snow.

    1. I'm thankful for anything pretty that I can find in the drought stricken land we find ourselves in my friend. I'm glad it's not so dry for you. Happy autumn to you as well. God bless and keep you Lisa!

  9. cows are curious Joe
    2 weeks back we had repairs on the house and the guys had all day company of the cows standing in the meadow aside our house.
    i enjoy such things
    thats life Joe..
    a cow a flower..the sound of silence.
    enjoy and be well

    1. Peace is a precious thing isn't it? We all need more of it in our lives I think. Today the anniversary of 9/11 makes me think so all the more.

  10. Looks like all the flowers in your area are turning to fluff. We have such much thistle this year that bloomed. When the wind blows the air if so full of it. I hate to think how many of those seeds will be landing in my yard and garden. I haven't been out for walks for so long. Thanks for sharing yours.

    1. You're right those seeds are good at spreading in a big way. I don't walk nearly as much as I'd like these days either. I guess it's quality and not quantity right? Bless you my friend.
