Thursday, April 5, 2012

Odds & Ends

Man, I don’t know how many times the weather will dip back to nasty temps and grey skies but I have to admit I’m tired of it.  I was going to go out again and see what I could see but the cool temperatures just sapped my interest in things outside today so I’ve only got a few pictures from earlier this week to share today.  It’s really no surprise to see it get nasty like this before Easter.  This has happened many times before.  The good news remains that it can’t last.  I love to see the triumph of the sun over the gloom.  It gives the sky sort of an angelic appearance that really ministers to me.  The brightness creates a silhouette from our trees that always draws my attention .  I keep feeling that there’s a theme here.  Never in my life have I ever had such a sense of dark things waging a war against all that’s right and true but somehow beyond all the dark tendrils reaching up to drown the light there’s the strength of God’s promise coming to pass beyond it that will surely overtake it all .  This is a season when there’s either many religious posts or themes of colored eggs.  For me I don’t mind the eggs as long as we all remember what the season is really about and frankly the religious for a day thing doesn’t do much for me.  Where would we all be every day if Christ had not sacrificed himself for us all and been raised again from the dead?  However you chose to celebrate I pray you’re blessed.  I thank God for giving His son for us all and making this life worth living. 


  1. Joe you have really gave a blessing with this blog . Your right. Where would we be. I Thank God as Well. Amen to that.

    I love your photos , so rich in feeling, color and Beauty with so much hope and promise.

    Blessings this Easter to You and to Your Family

    1. Glad for your visit as always Lisa, may you and yours have a blessed Easter as well.

  2. A very meaningful post Joe. Thank you!

    The days will be brighter and sunnier for us all soon.

  3. For there to be clear blue sky, the gray ones must wrench out their gloom. As Christ hung on the cross, the sky went black and the curtain was torn. Into the light of God one travels with the cross of Christ. The shinning glory of the Resurrection.

  4. They say that it is always darkest before the dawn. And as one waits for the sunrise, you will find that the darkness has to give way to the Light. It may be dark for a season but it can not stay.

    I no those dark gloomy days can get us down but I also know in time the days get better again. I hope yours get better soon. Because He lives we can face tomorrow. We do have alot to celebrate each and every day we serve a Risen Savior who has overcome this world, and will soon return and make all things right.

    Your pictures are Beautiful Joe. Love what you captured in each of these photos.

    I love what John wrote too. Indeed" Well said"
    Have a Blessed Weekend Joe.
    Dianne :)

    1. I love that saying as well my friend, many times this life is a strange mixture of intensities from one extreme to the other but through it all the amazing stability of God's grace shines through it all makes the troubled sea of life something we can can walk on as Peter did. Thank you for your comments my friend, I truly always appreciate them.

    2. Happy Easter Joe.. hope you and your family are very blessed this day.. beautiful post Joe.. gotta love our weather huh.. "smiling".. blessing you to you dear friend..

    3. Happy Easter to you Hope. The weird up and down weather progresses for us. Warms up again as of Tuesday and Wednesday then back to the fifties...ah well at least it's clear for the most part. The birds had a glorious symphony as I stepped out into the Easter sunrise this morning...nothing can spoil their mood!

  5. Amen
    Its always ending thing wont last for ever
    so also this weather..I understand how u feel I want to shake hands with u
    Same here...2 weeks back it was 20C now its freezing in the night and cold wind here now hmmm maybe 9C or so.
    but its Easter And i dont eat egs lol
    ohh yes chocolate ones with breakfast..but that has nothing to do with Easter. God is there 365 days..

  6. I couldn't share your sentiment about God being with us 365 more. I grow weary with the religious nonsense that seems far departed from anything to do with the resurrection. I teach today and it's one of the toughest gigs for me to be honest. I love Jesus Christ through and through but I feel like so many are on a different page these days. Bless you my dear friend, I appreciate you!

  7. Hopefully the sun is shining for you friend, on this busy day for ya there Joe. God bless your service and time with your family & friends always, indeed he does make life worth living("-")

  8. The Son is outshining the sun today my friend, all is well. I am home now from the service and feel good about it today so I'm very thankful for that. Blessings to you.

  9. Hi Joe,

    Thank you for this post. I can see where you are coming from on lots of it.

    Take Care, as we fight on from victory not to victory.

    God Bless

    1. Good to have you stop by Nita. From victory to victory...glory to glory.
